The steady increase in the power of microprocessors, the progress of the developments of the software with the techniques image oriented objects, the digitization of sound and images and signal compression techniques, the construction of networks accelerated by fiber optics and satellites drew the contours of a new landscape: the information society. This company will be built around electronic channels or networks to deliver in homes, the enterprise, universities, Governments, schools or hospitals a range of interactive services: Messaging, video telephony, distance education, consultation of data banks, tele-shopping, TV on request, medicine assisted external ... shocking radical people's lives and businesses.
New information technologies also represent a cultural revolution of the education and communication modes whose heirs are the children of today. Access to information through a screen and a keyboard is for the younger generation-generating Nintendo-second nature so this manipulation often difficult for adults seems. In education, students increasingly use the computer as a teaching assistant that allows them to cultivate their knowledge at their own pace in all disciplines.
With multimedia prepares probably the questioning of written communication as we think of since Gutenberg. The term is not so far where the readers will have to learn to navigate in a world of images and texts, the simple "click" on a word or an image for an almost instant access to the data stored in one of the computers on the planet. Finally, the development of the networks of the future will change the very functioning of the society, for example to change the Organization of work, the access of citizens to health care or education, administration/management relations, services and even the procedures for the exercise of democracy.
History shows that progress is spreading in the waves. It is therefore reasonable to say that the society of the 21st century will be shaped by information technology. The widespread availability of computers to a growing number of users will increase creativity that new progress will generate. Today's computers can improve that simple mental faculties and relatively routine, but further progress is being made on the improvement of the capacity for analysis and inference. Even machines can improve the physical capacity of humans have created the industrial revolution, also computers by their faculty to expand the human mental abilities, the engine of the current and wrongly called computer revolution
New information technologies also represent a cultural revolution of the education and communication modes whose heirs are the children of today. Access to information through a screen and a keyboard is for the younger generation-generating Nintendo-second nature so this manipulation often difficult for adults seems. In education, students increasingly use the computer as a teaching assistant that allows them to cultivate their knowledge at their own pace in all disciplines.
With multimedia prepares probably the questioning of written communication as we think of since Gutenberg. The term is not so far where the readers will have to learn to navigate in a world of images and texts, the simple "click" on a word or an image for an almost instant access to the data stored in one of the computers on the planet. Finally, the development of the networks of the future will change the very functioning of the society, for example to change the Organization of work, the access of citizens to health care or education, administration/management relations, services and even the procedures for the exercise of democracy.
History shows that progress is spreading in the waves. It is therefore reasonable to say that the society of the 21st century will be shaped by information technology. The widespread availability of computers to a growing number of users will increase creativity that new progress will generate. Today's computers can improve that simple mental faculties and relatively routine, but further progress is being made on the improvement of the capacity for analysis and inference. Even machines can improve the physical capacity of humans have created the industrial revolution, also computers by their faculty to expand the human mental abilities, the engine of the current and wrongly called computer revolution